In this blog, we will specifically speak about Equinix data center locations around the world. This information might be more useful, like we mentioned in our first blog, for the reason that you can decide where to purchase your space based on your proximity. We would like to re-stress the fact that if you buy Equinix data center, try to purchase your space from nearby location from your customers. That will reduce the latency issues and will serve your website or data quickly. Moreover, you can take advantage of wide availability of Equinix data centers in various locations by planning your edge servers which can cache your version of website/application and quickly serve to global customers. Countries with Equinix Data Center In location, we will classify based on countries which host the Equinix data center. There are 24 countries around world with Equinix colocation facilities in over 120 locations. So, its an exhaustive list. Therefore, we want to list our only countr...